We value the importance of professionals working with our children being able to access specialists in the field of Down syndrome together with current research findings, and we therefore subsidise learning opportunities for professionals working with our children.
In Warwickshire we work closely with IDS (Integrated Disability Service) and have the support of Warwickshire Education & Learning.
Many of the issues faced by a child with Down syndrome are not exclusive to children with Down syndrome and many training participants have commented on how informative and beneficial training sessions have been not just for the pupil with Down syndrome but for many others within their classroom.
We run specialist training days on the learning profile of Down syndrome, tailored teaching methods, numeracy skills, behavior, sensory issues etc. If you are interested in finding out more about our training events please contact
Regular Twilight Training sessions for professionals working within education are run termly for:
Nursery staff
Primary school staff
Secondary school staff